Help me missing this files (maptools):
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Roads\6 Lane Crossing ONEWAY.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car3_bar.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car5R_bar.sco
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Wide One Way.sli
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Wide SBS Lanes Curbside.sli
Splines\New Era\RQ_10,5_2spur_7,5m_Sidewalk_OneWayNEW.sli
Please send me the missing files at following email
. Thank you
Mir Fehlen folgende Sachen, die nicht mit dabei sind
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Roads\6 Lane Crossing ONEWAY.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car3_bar.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car5R_bar.sco
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Breit Einweg.sli
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Breite SBS-Fahrspuren Bordsteinkante.sli
Splines\Neue Ära\RQ_10,5_2spur_7,5m_Sidewalk_OneWayNEW.sli
züge\Cayuga Railroad.zug
Bitte um Nachlieferung als Download der fehlenden Objecte.
Hi, was so glad I stumbled across this. I was wondering if I can please have all the six missing files :)
My email -
Thank you much!
Hi guys, I also need help finding these items, the Object notepad is not listed in the download of New ERA. I love this map that you all put effort into.
My email,
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Roads\6 Lane Crossing ONEWAY.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car3_bar.sco
Sceneryobjects\New Era Universe\Traffic_lights\obj_TL_car5R_bar.sco
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Wide One Way.sli
Splines\New Era\NYStreets_20M Wide SBS Lanes Curbside.sli
Splines\New Era\RQ_10,5_2spur_7,5m_Sidewalk_OneWayNEW.sli
I'm also misssing the same above 6 files for the New Era Map. Could you please email them to me as well at . Thank you and keep up the great work.
Please a fix for the map